1. Setting Up the ADP Integration
    1. Step 1: Prepare the ADP Import File
    2. Step 2: Create Your ADP Export Format
    3. Step 3: Export Your File
    4. Step 4: Upload to ADP
  2. Additional Features
    1. Bulk Updating Custom Fields and Payroll Codes
    2. Customizing Your ADP Export
  3. FAQ
    1. Do I need to adjust my ADP employee list before uploading it to Expensify?
    2. Can I add custom fields to my ADP Payroll Export?

Connect to ADP

Expensify’s ADP integration enables you to process expense report payouts outside of Expensify. It generates a Custom Export Format that can be uploaded to ADP.

  • You must be on the Control Plan to create a Custom Export Format.
  • You can import your ADP employee list into Expensify as a CSV file via the People table. This helps sync employee expense reports with ADP and is available on all plans.

Setting Up the ADP Integration

Step 1: Prepare the ADP Import File

Your ADP import file should contain the following five columns:

  1. Company Code - Found in Edit Company in ADP.
  2. Batch ID - Found in Edit Company in ADP.
  3. File # - The employee number in ADP (located under RUN Powered by ADP > Reports > Tax Reports > Wage > Tax Register).
  4. Earnings 3 Code - Found in Edit Profit Center Group in ADP.
  5. Earnings 3 Amount - Found in Edit Profit Center Group in ADP.

In Expensify:

  • The File # is entered in Custom Field 1 or 2 in the Members table.
  • The Earnings 3 Code corresponds to a payroll account tracked in Expensify.
  • The Earnings 3 Amount is the total expense amount sent to payroll.
  • To enter the Earnings 3 Code, go to Settings > Workspaces > [Group Workspace Name] > Categories > [Category Name] > Edit Rules > Add under Payroll Code.

Step 2: Create Your ADP Export Format

  1. Go to Settings > Workspaces > [Group Workspace Name] > Export Formats.
  2. Add the following column headings and formulas:
Column Name Formula
Company Code Hardcoded from Step 1
Batch ID Hardcoded from Step 1
File # {report:submit.from:customfield1}
Earnings 3 Code {expense:category:payrollcode}
Earnings 3 Amount {expense:amount}

The Company Code and Batch ID should be hardcoded with the values used in ADP.

Step 3: Export Your File

To generate and download the ADP file:

  1. Go to the Reports page in Expensify.
  2. Select the reports you want to export.
  3. Click Export to… and choose your custom ADP format.
  4. The file will download in CSV or XLS format.

Step 4: Upload to ADP

Once exported, you can upload the file directly to ADP without modifications.

Additional Features

Bulk Updating Custom Fields and Payroll Codes

You can update Custom Fields and Payroll Codes in bulk using a CSV upload in Expensify’s settings.

Customizing Your ADP Export

If you need additional columns, headings, or datasets, contact your Expensify Account Manager via the Chat option in Expensify for assistance.


Do I need to adjust my ADP employee list before uploading it to Expensify?

Yes. Convert your ADP employee data to match the column headings used in Expensify’s Members table CSV export.

Can I add custom fields to my ADP Payroll Export?

Yes! Your Expensify Account Manager can help customize your ADP Payroll export to fit your needs.

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